Examples of Anit


TITLE Examples of Anit

SPEAKER Mrs. Linda (Loyagan) Tanug

PLACE Panganan, Bukidnon

DATE February 15, 1991.

CASSETTE #MS16B2 (two-thirds through)

TRASNSCRIBED Aurelio Linggan


NOTE Recorded in my office

MU784001 001

   Spoken: Kuntee    ne  maapun         egpangguhud            a    ligkat te   
   Formal: Kuntee    ne  maapun         egpangguhud            a    ligkat te   
 Phonemic: kunte­e   ne  mahapun        ­egpa¥gugud            ­a   ligkat te1  
  Lexemes: kunte­e   ne  mA1-=hapun     ­eg- =paN- =gugud      ­a   ligkat te1  
  Lex POS: adv       lnk aff =n_rt      v_aff=v_aff=v_rt       pron v_rt   cmk  
Lex Gloss: now/today LNK ADJR=afternoon NP   =DISTR=tell_story 1s_F source NF   
 Word POS: adv       lnk n              v                      pron v      cmk  
Wrd Gloss: now       -   afternoon      tell_a_story           I    from   from 

   Spoken: pirsunal ne  mig-anitan             kayi te  Panganan. 
   Formal: pirsunal ne  mig-anitan             kayi te  Panganan  
 Phonemic: ***      ne  mig­anitan             kai  te1 Pa¥anan   
  Lexemes: ***      ne  mig- =­anit     =-an   kai  te1 Pa¥anan   
  Lex POS: ***      lnk v_aff=n         =v_aff dem  cmk prop_n    
Lex Gloss: personal LNK P    =anit_taboo=LocF  here NF  Panganan  
 Word POS: adj     lnk v                      dem  cmk prop_n    
Wrd Gloss: personal -   broke_anit_taboo       here at  Panganan  

Today in the afternoon, I am storying coming from personal broke anit taboo here in Panganan.

This afternoon, I will tell a story about people that I know that broke the "anit" taboo here in Panganan.

MU784001 002

   Spoken: An-anayan           te    mallintek          kum        pad    atuk  
   Formal: An-anayan           te    mallintek          kun        pad    atuk  
 Phonemic: ­an­anayan          te2   mallintek          kun        pad    ­atuk 
  Lexemes: rdpCVC-=­aney=-an   te2   mA1-=-rdpC-=lintek kun        pad    ­atuk 
  Lex POS: v_aff  =adv  =v_aff conj  aff =***   =adj_rt adt        part   v_rt  
Lex Gloss: INT    =first=LocF  while ADJR=***   =fine   it_is_said INCOMP guess 
 Word POS: adv                 conj  adj                adt        part   v     
Wrd Gloss: first               while fine               quotative  still  guess 

   Spoken: amey   si         ipag                           Bingawen, iyan iney   
   Formal: amey   si         ipag                           Bingawen  iyan iney   
 Phonemic: ­amey  si         ­ipag                          Bi¥awen   ­ian ­iney  
  Lexemes: ­amey  si         ­ipag                          Bi¥awen   ­ian ­iney  
  Lex POS: n      cmk        n                              prop_n    dem  n      
Lex Gloss: father F_PERS(sg) sibling-in-law_of_opposite_sex Bingawen  that mother 
 Word POS: n      cmk        n                              prop_n    dem  n      
Wrd Gloss: father -          brother-in-law                 Marsili   that mother 

   Spoken: si         Panggenay.
   Formal: si         Panggenay                                                    
 Phonemic: si         Pa¥genay                                                     
  Lexemes: si         Pa¥genay                                                     
  Lex POS: cmk        prop_n                                                       
Lex Gloss: F_PERS(sg) Panggenay                                                    
 Word POS: cmk        prop_n                                                       
Wrd Gloss: -          Anita                                                        

First, when it was said that (she) was still small, brother-in-law Bingawen was the father, Panggenay was the mother.

My brother-in-law Bingawen was the father and Panggenay was the mother. The child was still small.

MU784001 003

   Spoken: Nekey naa     te    deisek  pad    si         Lisanta me    henduem  
   Formal: nekey naa     te    deisek  pad    si         Lisanta me    henduen  
 Phonemic: nekey na­a    te2   de­isek pad    si         Lisanta me2   hendu­en 
  Lexemes: nekey na­a    te2   de­isek pad    si         Lisanta me2   hendu­en 
  Lex POS: pron  part    conj  adj     part   cmk        prop_n  adt   v_rt     
Lex Gloss: what  so/then while small   INCOMP F_PERS(sg) Lisanta about go_there 
 Word POS: pron  part    conj  adj     part   cmk        prop_n  adt   v        
Wrd Gloss: what  then    while small   still  -          Lisanta about about    

   Spoken: bupad        ki               Kunsing ne  si         Buni   ka  
   Formal: bupad        ki               Kunsing ne  si         Buni   ka  
 Phonemic: bupad        ki2              Kunsi¥  ne  si         buni   ka2 
  Lexemes: bua  =pad    ki2              Kunsi¥  ne  si         buni   ka2 
  Lex POS: part =part   cmk              prop_n  lnk cmk        n      cmk 
Lex Gloss: maybe=INCOMP NF(III)_PERS(sg) Kunsing LNK F_PERS(sg) Buni   F   
 Word POS: part         cmk              prop_n  lnk cmk        prop_n cmk 
Wrd Gloss: maybe_still  -                Kunsing -   -          Buni   the 

   Spoken: igkatelu            ne  anak  ni              Panggenay deisek  pad.   
   Formal: igkatelu            ne  anak  ni              Panggenay deisek  pad    
 Phonemic: ­igkatelu           ne  ­anak ni              Pa¥genay  de­isek pad    
  Lexemes: ­igkA-       =telu  ne  ­anak ni              Pa¥genay  de­isek pad    
  Lex POS: v_aff        =num   lnk n     cmk             prop_n    adj     part   
Lex Gloss: NP_INVOL_AccF=three LNK child NF(II)_PERS(sg) Panggenay small   INCOMP 
 Word POS: num                 lnk n     cmk             prop_n    adj     part   
Wrd Gloss: third               -   child of              Anita     small   still  

What then while Lisanta was still small, about like Kunsing, Buni the third child of Panggenay was still small.

When Lisanta was still small, about as big as Kunsing, Buni, the third child of Panggenay was still small.

Kunsing is Linda's older daughter, about six years old.

MU784001 004

   Spoken: Kene  nekeutel           si         Iyuhan te  sabeka re   iya  ne  
   Formal: Kene  nekeutel           si         Iyuhan te  sabeka re   iya  ne  
 Phonemic: kene­ neke­utel          si         iugan  te1 sabeka de­  ­ia  ne  
  Lexemes: kene­ nAkA-      =­utel  si         iugan  te1 sabeka de­  ­ia  ne  
  Lex POS: adv   v_aff      =v_rt   cmk        prop_n cmk num    part part lnk 
Lex Gloss: not   P_INVOL_AgF=obtain F_PERS(sg) Iyuhan NF  one    only that LNK 
 Word POS: neg   v                  cmk        prop_n cmk num    part part lnk 
Wrd Gloss: not   able_to_catch      -          Iyuhan -   one    just that -   

   Spoken: peit.
   Formal: peit
 Phonemic: pe­it      
  Lexemes: pe­it      
  Lex POS: n          
Lex Gloss: small_fish 
 Word POS: n          
Wrd Gloss: small_fish 

Iyuhan had not even caught one little fish.

Iyuhan had not even caught one little fish.

Iyuhan is the nephew of Anita - son of Keenayan who is the old sister of Anita.

MU784001 005

   Spoken: Impamunuwit            si         Iyuhan nekeutel           te  
   Formal: impamunuwit            si         Iyuhan nekeutel           te  
 Phonemic: ­impamunuit            si         iugan  neke­utel          te1 
  Lexemes: ­iN-  =paN- =bunuit    si         iugan  nAkA-      =­utel  te1 
  Lex POS: v_aff =v_aff=n         cmk        prop_n v_aff      =v_rt   cmk 
Lex Gloss: P_AccF=DISTR=fish_hook F_PERS(sg) Iyuhan P_INVOL_AgF=obtain NF  
 Word POS: v                      cmk        prop_n v                  cmk 
Wrd Gloss: caught_fish            -          Iyuhan able_to_catch      -   

   Spoken: sabeka ren      peit.      
   Formal: sabeka re   ne  peit       
 Phonemic: sabeka de­ #ne  pe­it      
  Lexemes: sabeka de­ #ne  pe­it      
  Lex POS: num    part#lnk n          
Lex Gloss: one    only#LNK small_fish 
 Word POS: num    part#lnk n          
Wrd Gloss: one    just#-   small_fish 

Iyuhan went fishing and caught just one little fish.

Iyuhan went fishing and caught just one little fish.

MU784001 006

   Spoken: Kene  diye  ibehey         ki               Lisanta kene.
   Formal: Kene  diye  ibehey         ki               Lisanta kene                   
 Phonemic: kene­ die­  ­ibegey        ki2              Lisanta kene­                  
  Lexemes: kene­ die­  ­i-     =begey ki2              Lisanta kene­                  
  Lex POS: adv   dem   v_aff   =v_rt  cmk              prop_n  adv                    
Lex Gloss: not   there UnA_AccF=give  NF(III)_PERS(sg) Lisanta not                    
 Word POS: neg   dem   v              cmk              prop_n  neg                    
Wrd Gloss: not   there give           to               Lisanta not                    

He didn't give it to Lisanta, no.

He didn't give it to Lisanta.

MU784001 007

   Spoken: Weil-weil    si         Buni   ahawa             mule       diye  
   Formal: Weil-weil    si         Buni   ahawa             mule       diye  
 Phonemic: we­ilwe­il   si         buni   ­agawa            mule­      die­  
  Lexemes: rdpRT-=we­il si         buni   ­agew    =-a      mule­      die­  
  Lex POS: v_aff =v_rt  cmk        n      v_rt     =v_aff   adt        dem   
Lex Gloss: INT   =move  F_PERS(sg) Buni   take-away=UnA_ObF OPPOSITION there 
 Word POS: v            cmk        prop_n v                 adt        dem   
Wrd Gloss: act          -          Buni   snatch            OPPOSITION there 

   Spoken: ki               Lisanta. 
   Formal: ki               Lisanta  
 Phonemic: ki2              Lisanta  
  Lexemes: ki2              Lisanta  
  Lex POS: cmk              prop_n   
Lex Gloss: NF(III)_PERS(sg) Lisanta  
 Word POS: cmk              prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: from             Lisanta  

Buni moved and snatched it on the other hand there from Lisanta.

However, Buni snatched it from Lisanta.

MU784001 008

   Spoken: Nekey naa     mule       teg   sinehew       es              Lisanta! 
   Formal: nekey naa     mule       te    egsinehew     e    si         Lisanta  
 Phonemic: nekey na­a    mule­      te2   ­egsinegew    ­e  #si         Lisanta  
  Lexemes: nekey na­a    mule­      te2   ­eg- =sinegew ­e  #si         Lisanta  
  Lex POS: pron  part    adt        conj  v_aff=v_rt    part#cmk        prop_n   
Lex Gloss: what  so/then OPPOSITION while NP   =cry     COMP#F_PERS(sg) Lisanta  
 Word POS: pron  part    adt        conj  v             part#cmk        prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: what  then    OPPOSITION while cry           COMP#-          Lisanta  

What then on the other hand Lisanta cried.

So then Lisanta cried.

MU784001 009

   Spoken: Ti,       wa    kun        de   iya  migmaapun-napun        iya  
   Formal: Ti        wa    kun        de   iya  migmaapun-napun        iya  
 Phonemic: ti­       wa­   kun        de­  ­ia  migmahapunhapun        ­ia  
  Lexemes: ti­       wade­ kun        de­  ­ia  mig- =rdpRT-=hapun     ­ia  
  Lex POS: adt       adv   adt        part part v_aff=v_aff =n_rt      part 
Lex Gloss: DISBELIEF no    it_is_said only that P    =INT   =afternoon that 
 Word POS: adt       adv   adt        part part v                      part 
Wrd Gloss: DISBELIEF no    quotative  just that afternoon              that 

   Spoken: mule       seini  ne  tulus    eg-dugkayep,      sise       langit     
   Formal: mule       seini  ne  tulus    eg-dugkayep       si     se  langit     
 Phonemic: mule­      se­ini ne  tulus    ­egdugkayep       se­ini#se  la¥it      
  Lexemes: mule­      se­ini ne  tulus    ­eg- =dugkayep    se­ini#se  la¥it      
  Lex POS: adt        pron   lnk adv      v_aff=v_rt        pron  #cmk n          
Lex Gloss: OPPOSITION this   LNK suddenly NP   =become_dark this  #F   sky/heaven 
 Word POS: adt        pron   lnk adv      v                 pron  #cmk n          
Wrd Gloss: OPPOSITION this   -   suddenly become_dark       this  #the sky        

   Spoken: tulus    en       marusilem.   
   Formal: tulus    e    ne  marusilem    
 Phonemic: tulus    ­e  #ne  madusilem    
  Lexemes: tulus    ­e  #ne  mA1-=dusilem 
  Lex POS: adv      part#lnk aff =n_rt    
Lex Gloss: suddenly COMP#LNK ADJR=night   
 Word POS: adv      part#lnk n            
Wrd Gloss: suddenly COMP#-   night        

Hey. This hadn't it's said become afternoon on the other hand then suddenly it became dark, this sky suddenly became night.

It was hardly afternoon when suddenly it become dark and the sky became like nighttime.

MU784001 010

   Spoken: Nekey naat          wey  kun        iya  migdagsang              seini  
   Formal: nekey naa     te    wey  kun        iya  migdagsang              seini  
 Phonemic: nekey na­a   #te2   wey  kun        ­ia  migdagsa¥               se­ini 
  Lexemes: nekey na­a   #te2   wey  kun        ­ia  mig- =dagsa¥            se­ini 
  Lex POS: pron  part   #conj  conj adt        part v_aff=v_rt              pron   
Lex Gloss: what  so/then#while and  it_is_said that P    =sound_immediately this   
 Word POS: pron  part   #conj  conj adt        part v                       pron   
Wrd Gloss: what  then   #while ***  quotative  that sounded_immediately     this   

   Spoken: se  sabsabekan       luhung. 
   Formal: se  sabsabeka    ne  luhung  
 Phonemic: se  sabsabeka   #ne  lugu¥   
  Lexemes: se  sabeka      #ne  lugu¥   
  Lex POS: cmk num         #lnk n       
Lex Gloss: F   one         #LNK thunder 
 Word POS: cmk adj          lnk n       
Wrd Gloss: the one_and_only -   thunder 

What then that it is said that this one and only one thunder bolt sounded immediately.

Then this only one thunder bolt sounded immediately.

MU784001 011

   Spoken: Ne  nekey naa     iya  mule       te    wa    de   nararui              
   Formal: Ne  nekey naa     iya  mule       te    wa    de   nararui              
 Phonemic: ne  nekey na­a    ­ia  mule­      te2   wa­   de­  nadadu­i             
  Lexemes: ne  nekey na­a    ­ia  mule­      te2   wade­ de­  nA-  =dadua=-i       
  Lex POS: lnk pron  part    part adt        conj  adv   part v_aff=num  =v_aff    
Lex Gloss: LNK what  so/then that OPPOSITION while no    only P_ObF=two  =UnA_LocF 
 Word POS: lnk pron  part    part adt        conj  adv   part n                    
Wrd Gloss: -   what  then    that OPPOSITION while not   just two_nights           

   Spoken: mat            dueng       ketul    kayi te  peka ni              Lisanta 
   Formal: ma       te    duen        ketul    kayi te  peka ni              Lisanta 
 Phonemic: ma­     #te2   du­en       ketul    kai  te1 peka ni              Lisanta 
  Lexemes: mani­a  #te2   du­e1   =-N ketul    kai  te1 peka ni              Lisanta 
  Lex POS: ques    #conj  psd_v   =– v        dem  cmk n    cmk             prop_n  
Lex Gloss: why     #while there_is=– swell    here NF  back NF(II)_PERS(sg) Lisanta 
 Word POS: int_pron#conj  psd_v       v        dem  cmk n    cmk             prop_n  
Wrd Gloss: why     #while there_is    swelling here in  back of              Lisanta 

   Spoken: henduen  e    karakel       te  balew   te  ahung. 
   Formal: henduen  e    karakel       te  balew   te  ahung  
 Phonemic: hendu­en ­e   kadakel       te1 balew   te1 ­agu¥  
  Lexemes: hendu­en ­e   kA2-=dakel    te1 balew   te1 ­agu¥  
  Lex POS: v_rt     part aff =adj      cmk n       cmk n      
Lex Gloss: go_there COMP NOM =big/many NF  striker NF  gong   
 Word POS: v        part n             cmk n       cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: about    COMP bigness       of  striker of  gong   

What then on the other hand before two nights had passed, why there was a lump here in the back of Lisanta, the bigness about the striker of a gong.

What do you know but before two nights had passed, Lisanta had a lump in her back about as big as the striker for a gong.

MU784001 012

   Spoken: Penekpenek teg   kaluhey                    e    egdakel        e.   
   Formal: Penekpenek te    egkaluhey                  e    egdakel        e    
 Phonemic: penekpenek te2   ­egkalugey                 ­e   ­egdakel       ­e   
  Lexemes: penekpenek te2   ­eg- =kA1- =lugey          ­e   ­eg- =dakel    ­e   
  Lex POS: v_rt       conj  v_aff=v_aff=v_rt           part v_aff=adj      part 
Lex Gloss: next       while NP   =INVOL=be_a_long_time COMP NP   =big/many COMP 
 Word POS: ?          conj  v                          part v              part 
Wrd Gloss: next       while take_a_long_time           COMP become_big     COMP 

Next after a long time it got bigger.

Then over a period of time it got bigger.

MU784001 013

   Spoken: Ne  seeyes         bate  balu   eggase        ne  iyan egpanlepew         
   Formal: Ne  seeye      se  bate  balu   eggase        ne  iyan egpanlepew         
 Phonemic: ne  se­eye­   #se  bate­ balu­  ­eggase­      ne  ­ian ­egpanlepew        
  Lexemes: ne  se­eye­   #se  bate­ balu­  ­eg- =gase­   ne  ­ian ­eg- =paN- =lepew  
  Lex POS: lnk dem       #cmk n     adj    v_aff=adj_rt  lnk dem  v_aff=v_aff=v_rt   
Lex Gloss: LNK that_there#F   child almost NP   =skinny  LNK that NP   =DISTR=appear 
 Word POS: lnk dem       #cmk n     adj    v             lnk dem  v                  
Wrd Gloss: -   there     #the child almost become_skinny -   that appear             

   Spoken: rutu  te    naluhey              e    sise       migketul    kayi te  peka 
   Formal: rutu  te    naluhey              e    si     se  migketul    kayi te  peka 
 Phonemic: dutu  te2   nalugey              ­e   se­ini#se  migketul    kai  te1 peka 
  Lexemes: dutu  te2   nA-  =lugey          ­e   se­ini#se  mig- =ketul kai  te1 peka 
  Lex POS: dem   conj  v_aff=v_rt           part pron  #cmk v_aff=v     dem  cmk n    
Lex Gloss: there while P_ObF=be_a_long_time COMP this  #F   P    =swell here NF  back 
 Word POS: dem   conj  v                    part pron  #cmk v           dem  cmk n    
Wrd Gloss: there while took_a_long_time     COMP this  #the swelled     here on  back 

   Spoken: se  weyig.      
   Formal: se  weyig       
 Phonemic: se  weig        
  Lexemes: se  weig        
  Lex POS: cmk n           
Lex Gloss: F   water/river 
 Word POS: cmk n           
Wrd Gloss: the water       

Now that child was almost skinny, and that that appeared there after a long time on this swelled here on the back was water.

Now the child was pretty skinny and after a long time, water appeared out of the swelling on her back.

MU784001 014

   Spoken: Ti        wey  pabawii                 naan       e    ni              
   Formal: Ti        wey  pabawii                 naan       e    ni              
 Phonemic: ti­       wey  pabawi­i                na­an      ­e   ni              
  Lexemes: ti­       wey  pA-  =bawi­   =-i       na­a   =-N ­e   ni              
  Lex POS: adt       conj v_aff=n       =v_aff    part   =– part cmk             
Lex Gloss: DISBELIEF and  CAUS =medicine=UnA_LocF so/then=– COMP NF(II)_PERS(sg) 
 Word POS: adt       conj v                       part       part cmk             
Wrd Gloss: DISBELIEF      get_medicine            then       COMP by              

   Spoken: Panggenay basta su         dakel    kun        ka  neulug         
   Formal: Panggenay meyi  su         dakel    kun        ka  neulug         
 Phonemic: Pa¥genay  mei­  su         dakel    kun        ka2 ne­ulug        
  Lexemes: Pa¥genay  mei­  su         dakel    kun        ka2 nA-  =­ulug    
  Lex POS: prop_n    conj  conj       adj      adt        cmk v_aff=v_rt     
Lex Gloss: Panggenay if    because/so big/many it_is_said F   P_ObF=give/pay 
 Word POS: prop_n    conj  conj       adj      adt        cmk v              
Wrd Gloss: Anita     if    because    many     quotative  the given          

   Spoken: dan       ne  indasag      te  imbawi           kayit     anak  dan,       
   Formal: dan       ne  indasag      te  imbawi           kayi  te  anak  dan       
 Phonemic: dan       ne  ­indasag     te1 ­imbawi­         kai  #te1 ­anak dan       
  Lexemes: dan       ne  ­iN-  =dasag te1 ­iN-  =bawi­     kai  #te1 ­anak dan       
  Lex POS: pron      lnk v_aff =v_rt  cmk v_aff =n         dem  #cmk n     pron      
Lex Gloss: 3p_NF(II) LNK P_AccF=give  NF  P_AccF=medicine  here #NF  child 3p_NF(II) 
 Word POS: pron      lnk v            cmk v                dem   cmk n     pron      
Wrd Gloss: they      -   given        to  applied_medicine here  for child their     

   Spoken: ke  mag  keulian.                           
   Formal: ke  ma   egkeulian                          
 Phonemic: ke­ ma   ­egke­uli­an                       
  Lexemes: ke­ ma   ­eg- =kA1- =­uli­           =-an   
  Lex POS: adv part v_aff=v_aff=v_rt            =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: not DIM  NP   =INVOL=return_home/heal=LocF  
 Word POS: adv part v                                  
Wrd Gloss: not DIM  get_better                         

Hey. Panggenay got medicine but they had to pay a lot that they had to give for the medicine for this here their child but she didn't get better.

Even though they paid a lot - had to forgo a lot to give for the medicine, their child didn't get better.

MU784001 015

   Spoken: Penekpenek iya  mule       seini  ne  pila     buwan      tuig  human 
   Formal: Penekpenek iya  mule       seini  ne  pila     buwa   ne  tuid  human 
 Phonemic: penekpenek ­ia  mule­      se­ini ne  pila     bua   #ne  tu­id human 
  Lexemes: penekpenek ­ia  mule­      se­ini ne  pila     bua   #ne  tu­id human 
  Lex POS: v_rt       part adt        pron   lnk pron     part  #lnk n     conj  
Lex Gloss: next       that OPPOSITION this   LNK several  maybe #LNK year  until 
 Word POS: ?          part adt        pron   lnk pron     part   lnk n     conj  
Wrd Gloss: next       that OPPOSITION this   -   how_many maybe  -   year  until 

   Spoken: migpatey    si         Lisanta. 
   Formal: migpatey    si         Lisanta  
 Phonemic: migpatey    si         Lisanta  
  Lexemes: mig- =patey si         Lisanta  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt  cmk        prop_n   
Lex Gloss: P    =die   F_PERS(sg) Lisanta  
 Word POS: v           cmk        prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: died        -          Lisanta  

Next on the other hand after this how many months and years until Lisanta died.

Then after a number of months and years, Lisanta died.

She must have been about nine years old, because this happened over about three years, although she had hardly grown.

MU784001 016

   Spoken: Piru angin                naat          migpatey    si         Lisanta 
   Formal: Piru angin                naa     te    migpatey    si         Lisanta 
 Phonemic: pidu ­a¥in                na­a   #te2   migpatey    si         Lisanta 
  Lexemes: pidu ­a¥in                na­a   #te2   mig- =patey si         Lisanta 
  Lex POS: conj conj                 part   #conj  v_aff=v_rt  cmk        prop_n  
Lex Gloss: but  would_have_been_good so/then#while P    =die   F_PERS(sg) Lisanta 
 Word POS: conj conj                 part   #conj  v           cmk        prop_n  
Wrd Gloss: but  would_have_been_good then   #while died        -          Lisanta 

   Spoken: su         dakel    pad    se  gastu te  amey   wey  iney.  
   Formal: su         dakel    pad    se  gastu te  amey   wey  iney   
 Phonemic: su         dakel    pad    se  gastu te1 ­amey  wey  ­iney  
  Lexemes: su         dakel    pad    se  gastu te1 ­amey  wey  ­iney  
  Lex POS: conj       adj      part   cmk ?     cmk n      conj n      
Lex Gloss: because/so big/many INCOMP F   spend NF  father and  mother 
 Word POS: conj       adj      part   cmk n     cmk n      conj n      
Wrd Gloss: because    much     yet    the pay   of  father and  mother 

But Lisanta died after the father and mother had already had to pay a lot.

But Lisanta died after the father and mother had already had to pay a lot of money.

MU784001 017

   Spoken: Su         iyan perem    igkeupii                      neg 
   Formal: su         iyan perem    igkeupii                      ne  
 Phonemic: su         ­ian pedem    ­igke­upi­i                   ne  
  Lexemes: su         ­ian pedem    ­ig-   =kA1- =­upi­ =-i       ne  
  Lex POS: conj       dem  part     v_aff  =v_aff=v_rt  =v_aff    lnk 
Lex Gloss: because/so that good_but NP_AccF=INVOL=desire=UnA_LocF LNK 
 Word POS: conj       dem  part     v                             lnk 
Wrd Gloss: because    that wish     like                          -   

   Spoken: keulian                            si         Lisanta. 
   Formal: egkeulian                          si         Lisanta  
 Phonemic: ­egke­uli­an                       si         Lisanta  
  Lexemes: ­eg- =kA1- =­uli­           =-an   si         Lisanta  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=v_rt            =v_aff cmk        prop_n   
Lex Gloss: NP   =INVOL=return_home/heal=LocF  F_PERS(sg) Lisanta  
 Word POS: v                                  cmk        prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: get_better                         -          Lisanta  

Because what was wished for was that Lisanta would get better.

Because what they really wished for was that Lisanta would get better.

MU784001 018

   Spoken: Menuwen    nu        naa     teg   peuli                        se  iyam 
   Formal: menuwen    nu        naa     te    egpeuli                      se  iyan 
 Phonemic: menuen     nu        na­a    te2   ­egpe­uli­                   se  ­ian 
  Lexemes: menu=-en   nu        na­a    te2   ­eg- =pA-  =­uli­            se  ­ian 
  Lex POS: v_rt=v_aff pron      part    conj  v_aff=v_aff=v_rt             cmk dem  
Lex Gloss: how =ObF   2s_NF(II) so/then while NP   =CAUS =return_home/heal F   that 
 Word POS: v          pron      part    conj  v                            cmk dem  
Wrd Gloss: how        you(sg)   then    while cause_to_be_returned         the that 

   Spoken: man-e regma migkamkamuney         sis        Anit.      
   Formal: man-e regma migkamkamuney         si     se  Anit       
 Phonemic: man­e degma migkamkamuney         se­ini#se  ­anit      
  Lexemes: man­e degma mig- =rdpCVC-=kamuney se­ini#se  ­anit      
  Lex POS: adv   adt   v_aff=v_aff  =n       pron  #cmk prop_n     
Lex Gloss: again also  P    =INT    =owner   this  #F   anit_deity 
 Word POS: adv   adt   v                     pron  #cmk prop_n     
Wrd Gloss: again also  owned                 this  #the anit_deity 

How then could she be returned because the one who had taken her as owner is the Anit deity.

How then could she be brought back, because the Anit deity had taken possession (of her body).

MU784001 019

   Spoken: Saatu-pa   si         Lisanta iyan e    regma imbatun       kandin     
   Formal: Saatu-pa   si         Lisanta iyan e    regma imbatun       kandin     
 Phonemic: sa­atu­pa­ si         Lisanta ­ian ­e   degma ­imbatun      kandin     
  Lexemes: sa­atu­pa­ si         Lisanta ­ian ­e   degma ­iN-  =batun  kandin     
  Lex POS: conj       cmk        prop_n  dem  part adt   v_aff =v_rt   pron       
Lex Gloss: therefore  F_PERS(sg) Lisanta that COMP also  P_AccF=ascend 3s_NF(III) 
 Word POS: conj       cmk        prop_n  dem  part adt   v             pron       
Wrd Gloss: therefore  -          Lisanta that COMP also  rose_to_sky   his        

   Spoken: sise       Anit.      
   Formal: si     se  Anit       
 Phonemic: se­ini#se  ­anit      
  Lexemes: se­ini#se  ­anit      
  Lex POS: pron  #cmk prop_n     
Lex Gloss: this  #F   anit_deity 
 Word POS: pron  #cmk prop_n     
Wrd Gloss: this  #the anit_deity 

Therefore, the one who raised Lisanta to the sky was this Anit deity.

Therefore, it was the Anit deity who lifted Lisanta to the sky.

MU784001 020

   Spoken: Ka  igkarangeb            kuntee    ne  pangguhureng           ku        
   Formal: Ka  igkarangeb            kuntee    ne  pangguhuren            ku        
 Phonemic: ka2 ­igkada¥eb            kunte­e   ne  pa¥guguden             ku        
  Lexemes: ka2 ­igkA-       =da¥eb   kunte­e   ne  paN- =gugud     =-en   ku        
  Lex POS: cmk v_aff        =adj     adv       lnk v_aff=v_rt      =v_aff pron      
Lex Gloss: F   NP_INVOL_AccF=another now/today LNK DISTR=tell_story=ObF   1s_NF(II) 
 Word POS: cmk adj                   adv       lnk n                      poss_pron 
Wrd Gloss: the other/second          now       -   story                  my        

   Spoken: diye  degma mig-ugpe     te  Kiulem  si         Ediling. 
   Formal: diye  degma mig-ugpe     te  Kiulem  si         Ediling  
 Phonemic: die­  degma mig­ugpe­    te1 Ki­ulem si         edili¥   
  Lexemes: die­  degma mig- =­ugpe­ te1 Ki­ulem si         edili¥   
  Lex POS: dem   adt   v_aff=v_rt   cmk prop_n  cmk        prop_n   
Lex Gloss: there also  P    =stay   NF  Kiulem  F_PERS(sg) Ediling  
 Word POS: dem   adt   v            cmk prop_n  cmk        prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: there also  lived        at  Kiulem  -          Odiling  

My second story today, Odiling also lived there in Kiulem.

My second story today is about Odiling who lived in Kiulum.

Note: The "degma" does not mean "also" because Lisanta lived in Panganan.

MU784001 021

   Spoken: Nekey kun        naat          deisek  pad    si         Ediling. 
   Formal: nekey kun        naa     te    deisek  pad    si         Ediling  
 Phonemic: nekey kun        na­a   #te2   de­isek pad    si         edili¥   
  Lexemes: nekey kun        na­a   #te2   de­isek pad    si         edili¥   
  Lex POS: pron  adt        part   #conj  adj     part   cmk        prop_n   
Lex Gloss: what  it_is_said so/then#while small   INCOMP F_PERS(sg) Ediling  
 Word POS: pron  adt        part   #conj  adj     part   cmk        prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: what  quotative  then   #while small   still  -          Odiling  

What then it is said that Odiling was still small.

Odiling was still small.

MU784001 022

   Spoken: Kua  mule       sise       miyew itahu             te  salahan.    
   Formal: Kua  mule       si     se  miyew itahu             te  salahan     
 Phonemic: ku­a mule­      se­ini#se  miew  ­itagu­           te1 salagan     
  Lexemes: ku­a mule­      se­ini#se  miew  ­i-     =tagu­    te1 salag=-an   
  Lex POS: v_rt adt        pron  #se  n     v_aff   =v_rt     cmk n    =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: take OPPOSITION this  #F   cat   UnA_AccF=put_away NF  nest =LocF  
 Word POS: v    adt        pron  #cmk n     v                 cmk n           
Wrd Gloss: take OPPOSITION this  #the cat   store             -   nesting_box 

(She) took this cat and stored it in a nesting basket.

She picked up a kitten and put it in a nesting basket.

It was actually a kitten.

MU784001 023

   Spoken: Diye  te  selib      seeye      se  salahan.    
   Formal: Diye  te  selib      seeye      se  salahan     
 Phonemic: die­  te1 selib      se­eye­    se  salagan     
  Lexemes: die­  te1 selib      se­eye­    se  salag=-an   
  Lex POS: dem   cmk n          dem        cmk n    =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: there NF  downstairs that_there F   nest =LocF  
 Word POS: dem   cmk n          pron       cmk n           
Wrd Gloss: there at  downstairs there      the nesting_basket

That nesting basket was there under the house.

The nesting basket was there under the house.

MU784001 024

   Spoken: Kuas     miyew, intahu          din       et       salahan.       
   Formal: kua  se  miyew  intahu          din       e    te  salahan        
 Phonemic: ku­a#se  miew   ­intagu­        din       ­e  #te1 salagan        
  Lexemes: ku­a#se  miew   ­iN-  =tagu­    din       ­e  #te1 salag=-an      
  Lex POS: v_rt#cmk n      v_aff =v_rt     pron      part#cmk n    =v_aff    
Lex Gloss: take#F   cat    P_AccF=put_away 3s_NF(II) COMP#NF  nest =LocF     
 Word POS: v   #cmk n      v               pron      part#cmk n              
Wrd Gloss: take#the cat    stored          she       COMP#in  nesting_basket 

Taking the cat, she stored it in a nesting basket.

Taking the cat, she put it in a nesting basket for chickens.

MU784001 025

   Spoken: Kene  lekebi,        puruta          maa   sise       baketin. 
   Formal: Kene  lekebi         puruta          man-e si     se  baketin  
 Phonemic: kene­ lekebi         puduta          man­e se­ini#se  baketin  
  Lexemes: kene­ lekeb=-i       pudut  =-a      man­e se­ini#se  baketin  
  Lex POS: adv   n    =v_aff    v_rt   =v_aff   adv   pron  #cmk n        
Lex Gloss: not   door =UnA_LocF pick_up=UnA_ObF again this  #F   piglet   
 Word POS: neg   v              v               adv   pron  #cmk n        
Wrd Gloss: not   lock_up        pick_up         again this  #the piglet   

She didn't shut it up, and she picked up this piglet.

She didn't shut it up but also picked up a piglet.

MU784001 026

   Spoken: Kene  ipalasud             diye  te  salahan.       
   Formal: Kene  ipalasud             diye  te  salahan        
 Phonemic: kene­ ­ipalasud            die­  te1 salagan        
  Lexemes: kene­ ­i-     =pA-  =lasud die­  te1 salag=-an      
  Lex POS: adv   v_aff   =v_aff=v_rt  dem   cmk n    =v_aff    
Lex Gloss: not   UnA_AccF=CAUS =enter there NF  nest =LocF     
 Word POS: neg   v                    dem   cmk n              
Wrd Gloss: not   cause_to_enter       there in  nesting_basket 

She could make it enter the nesting basket.

She couldn't get the piglet into the nesting basket.

MU784001 027

   Spoken: Nekey naa     seg pulunganan           kayi te  miyew. 
   Formal: nekey naa     se  egpulunganan         kayi te  miyew  
 Phonemic: nekey na­a    se  ­egpulu¥anan         kai  te1 miew   
  Lexemes: nekey na­a    se  ­eg- =pulu¥an =-an   kai  te1 miew   
  Lex POS: pron  part    cmk v_aff=n       =v_aff dem  cmk n      
Lex Gloss: what  so/then F   NP   =activity=LocF  here NF  cat    
 Word POS: pron  part    cmk v                    dem  cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: what  then    the do                   here of  cat    

So then what did the cat do?

So then what did the cat do?

MU784001 028

   Spoken: Wey  rin       iyag pangalusa                   sise       baketin. 
   Formal: Wey  rin       iya  egpangalusa                 si     se  baketin  
 Phonemic: wey  din       ­ia  ­egpa¥alusa                 se­ini#se  baketin  
  Lexemes: wey  din       ­ia  ­eg- =paN- =kalus  =-a      se­ini#se  baketin  
  Lex POS: conj pron      part v_aff=v_aff=v_rt   =v_aff   pron  #cmk n        
Lex Gloss: and  3s_NF(II) that NP   =DISTR=scratch=UnA_ObF this  #F   piglet   
 Word POS: conj pron      part v                           pron  #cmk n        
Wrd Gloss:      it        that scratch                     this  #the piglet   

And when he scratched it was this piglet.

He scratched the piglet.

MU784001 029

   Spoken: Ne  ngangangan  iya  regma kayit     baketin. 
   Formal: Ne  ngangangan  iya  regma kayi  te  baketin  
 Phonemic: ne  ¥a¥a¥an     ­ia  degma kai  #te1 baketin  
  Lexemes: ne  ¥a¥a¥=-an   ­ia  degma kai  #te1 baketin  
  Lex POS: lnk v_rt =v_aff part adt   dem  #cmk n        
Lex Gloss: LNK yelp =LocF  that also  here #NF  piglet   
 Word POS: lnk v           part adt   dem   cmk n        
Wrd Gloss: -   yelp        that also  here  -   piglet   

So this piglet also squealed.

So then the piglet squealed.

MU784001 030

   Spoken: Weyg kalilid-lilid            iya  se  salahan        ne  ke  kema    ne  
   Formal: wey  egkalilid-lilid          iya  se  salahan        ne  ke  kema    ne  
 Phonemic: wey  ­egkalilidlilid          ­ia  se  salagan        ne  ke­ kema    ne  
  Lexemes: wey  ­eg- =kA1- =rdpRT-=lilid ­ia  se  salag=-an      ne  ke­ kema    ne  
  Lex POS: conj v_aff=v_aff=v_aff =v_rt  part cmk n    =v_aff    lnk adv adt     lnk 
Lex Gloss: and  NP   =INVOL=INT   =roll  that F   nest =LocF     LNK not if      LNK 
 Word POS: conj v                        part cmk n              lnk adv adt     lnk 
Wrd Gloss:      rolled_over              that the nesting_basket -   not perhaps -   

   Spoken: ka  gimunan     naan       de   ni              Ediling su         deisek  
   Formal: ka  gimunan     naan       de   ni              Ediling su         deisek  
 Phonemic: ka2 gimunan     na­an      de­  ni              edili¥  su         de­isek 
  Lexemes: ka2 gimun=-an   na­a   =-N de­  ni              edili¥  su         de­isek 
  Lex POS: cmk v_rt =v_aff part   =– part cmk             prop_n  conj       adj     
Lex Gloss: F   grin =LocF  so/then=– only NF(II)_PERS(sg) Ediling because/so small   
 Word POS: cmk v           part       part cmk             prop_n  conj       adj     
Wrd Gloss: the grin        then       just by              Odiling because    small   

   Spoken: pad    degma si         Ediling. 
   Formal: pad    degma si         Ediling  
 Phonemic: pad    degma si         edili¥   
  Lexemes: pad    degma si         edili¥   
  Lex POS: part   adt   cmk        prop_n   
Lex Gloss: INCOMP also  F_PERS(sg) Ediling  
 Word POS: part   adt   cmk        prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: still  also  -          Odiling  

And the nesting basket rolled over and ... Odiling just grinned because Odiling was still small.

And the nesting basket rolled over but Odiling just grinned because she was still small.

MU784001 031

   Spoken: Nekey naa     te    wa    kun        de   iya  mule       na          
   Formal: nekey naa     te    wa    kun        de   iya  mule       na          
 Phonemic: nekey na­a    te2   wa­   kun        de­  ­ia  mule­      na          
  Lexemes: nekey na­a    te2   wade­ kun        de­  ­ia  mule­      na          
  Lex POS: pron  part    conj  adv   adt        part part adt        conj        
Lex Gloss: what  so/then while no    it_is_said only that OPPOSITION exclamation 
 Word POS: pron  part    conj  adv   adt        part part adt        conj        
Wrd Gloss: what  then    while not   quotative  just that OPPOSITION so          

   Spoken: amanan     maapun         seini  ne  nekey naa     teg   dugkayep          
   Formal: amana  ne  maapun         seini  ne  nekey naa     te    egdugkayep        
 Phonemic: ­amana#ne  mahapun        se­ini ne  nekey na­a    te2   ­egdugkayep       
  Lexemes: ­amana#ne  mA1-=hapun     se­ini ne  nekey na­a    te2   ­eg- =dugkayep    
  Lex POS: adj   #lnk aff =n_rt      pron   lnk pron  part    conj  v_aff=v_rt        
Lex Gloss: very  #LNK ADJR=afternoon this   LNK what  so/then while NP   =become_dark 
 Word POS: adj   #lnk n              pron   lnk pron  part    conj  v                 
Wrd Gloss: very  #-   afternoon      this   -   what  then    while become_dark       

   Spoken: e.   
   Formal: e    
 Phonemic: ­e   
  Lexemes: ­e   
  Lex POS: part 
Lex Gloss: COMP 
 Word POS: part 
Wrd Gloss: COMP 

What then while not yet it is said very afternoon this what then it became dark.

So then while it still was hardly afternoon, it became dark.

MU784001 032

   Spoken: Penekpenek iya  wey  kun        migdagsang              sise       
   Formal: Penekpenek iya  wey  kun        migdagsang              si     se  
 Phonemic: penekpenek ­ia  wey  kun        migdagsa¥               se­ini#se  
  Lexemes: penekpenek ­ia  wey  kun        mig- =dagsa¥            se­ini#se  
  Lex POS: v_rt       part conj adt        v_aff=v_rt              pron  #cmk 
Lex Gloss: next       that and  it_is_said P    =sound_immediately this  #F   
 Word POS: ?          part conj adt        v                       pron   cmk 
Wrd Gloss: next       that and  quotative  sounded_immediately     this   the 

   Spoken: balansi.     
   Formal: balansi      
 Phonemic: balansi­     
  Lexemes: balansi­     
  Lex POS: v_rt         
Lex Gloss: thunder      
 Word POS: v            
Wrd Gloss: loud_thunder 

Next it's said this loud thunder sounded immediately.

Next there was the sound of very loud thunder.

MU784001 033

   Spoken: Nekey naa     iya  te    nakibi            e    si         Ediling. 
   Formal: nekey naa     iya  te    nakibi            e    si         Ediling  
 Phonemic: nekey na­a    ­ia  te2   nakibi­           ­e   si         edili¥   
  Lexemes: nekey na­a    ­ia  te2   nA-  =kibi­       ­e   si         edili¥   
  Lex POS: pron  part    part conj  v_aff=v_rt        part cmk        prop_n   
Lex Gloss: what  so/then that while P_ObF=twist_mouth COMP F_PERS(sg) Ediling  
 Word POS: pron  part    part conj  v                 part cmk        prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: what  then    that while mouth_twisted     COMP -          Odiling  

What then but Odiling's mouth became twisted.

Then Odiling's mouth became twisted.

MU784001 034

   Spoken: Egpabawiam                 bured               perem    piru ke  ma   iyag 
   Formal: egpabawian                 bured               perem    piru ke  ma   iya  
 Phonemic: ­egpabawi­an               buded               pedem    pidu ke­ ma   ­ia  
  Lexemes: ­eg- =pA-  =bawi­   =-an   bua  =de­ =-d       pedem    pidu ke­ ma   ­ia  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=n       =v_aff part =part=nonv_aff part     conj adv part part 
Lex Gloss: NP   =CAUS =medicine=LocF  maybe=only=COMPL    good_but but  not DIM  that 
 Word POS: v                          part                part     conj adv part part 
Wrd Gloss: take_for_treatment         just_maybe          wish     but  not DIM  that 

   Spoken: keulian.                           
   Formal: egkeulian                          
 Phonemic: ­egke­uli­an                       
  Lexemes: ­eg- =kA1- =­uli­           =-an   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=v_rt            =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: NP   =INVOL=return_home/heal=LocF  
 Word POS: v                                  
Wrd Gloss: get_better                         

They would have just liked maybe to take her for treatment but she wouldn't get better.

They probably would have just liked to have had it treated but it wouldn't have got better.

MU784001 035

   Spoken: Hangtud kuntee    wa    man        e    
   Formal: Hangtud kuntee    wa    man        e    
 Phonemic: ha¥tud  kunte­e   wa­   man        ­e   
  Lexemes: ha¥tud  kunte­e   wade­ ma  =-N    ­e   
  Lex POS: conj    adv       adv   part=–    part 
Lex Gloss: until   now/today no    DIM =–    COMP 
 Word POS: conj    adv       adv   part       part 
Wrd Gloss: until   now       not   DIMINUTIVE COMP 

   Spoken: neuliis                                    Ediling. 
   Formal: neulii                          si         Ediling  
 Phonemic: ne­uli­i                       #si         edili¥   
  Lexemes: nA-  =­uli­           =-i      #si         edili¥   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt            =v_aff   #cmk        prop_n   
Lex Gloss: P_ObF=return_home/heal=UnA_LocF#F_PERS(sg) Ediling  
 Word POS: v                              #cmk        prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: got_better                     #-          Odiling  

Until now, Odiling has not got better.

Even now, Odiling is still not better.

MU784001 036

   Spoken: Ne  se         de   iya  taman.    
   Formal: Ne  seeye      de   iya  taman     
 Phonemic: ne  se­eye­    de­  ­ia  taman     
  Lexemes: ne  se­eye­    de­  ­ia  taman     
  Lex POS: lnk dem        part part adv       
Lex Gloss: LNK that_there only that until     
 Word POS: lnk dem        part part adv       
Wrd Gloss: -   there      just that as_far_as 

And just there is a far as it goes.

And that's the end of it.

MU784001 037

   Spoken: Kayi re   taman     ka  keddi      ne  pangguhuren            ligkat te  
   Formal: Kayi re   taman     ka  keddi      ne  pangguhuren            ligkat te  
 Phonemic: kai  de­  taman     ka2 keddi­     ne  pa¥guguden             ligkat te1 
  Lexemes: kai  de­  taman     ka2 keddi­     ne  paN- =gugud     =-en   ligkat te1 
  Lex POS: dem  part adv       cmk pron       lnk v_aff=v_rt      =v_aff v_rt   cmk 
Lex Gloss: here only until     F   1s_NF(III) LNK DISTR=tell_story=ObF   source NF  
 Word POS: dem  part adv       cmk poss_pron  lnk n                      v      cmk 
Wrd Gloss: here just as_far_as the my         -   story                  from   -   

   Spoken: Anit.      
   Formal: Anit       
 Phonemic: ­anit      
  Lexemes: ­anit      
  Lex POS: prop_n     
Lex Gloss: anit_deity 
 Word POS: prop_n     
Wrd Gloss: anit_deity 

Just here finishes my story from Anit.

And so here finishes my story about the Anit deity.